Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Indian Traditional Wrestling or 'Kusti' is not only a sport but also a semi-lifestyle in itself. The wrestlers known as 'Malla' live and train together in schools known as 'akhara'. The other popular name to kusti is thus 'Malla-Yuddha'. The Malla's follow a strict training regime. They are not allowed to drink, smoke and even restrain themselves from carnic pleasures in order to live a pure life. 
The wrestling arena is a clay or dirt pit which is mixed with 'ghee' and other things. The wrestling takes place under strict rules and a panel of judges awards the win. 
Although popular in some parts of the country, Kusti is a dying sport in India and every possible help should be provided to revive this ancient sport of the country.

Following are some collection of photographs taken during a recent competition in Pune.